EVO Japan 2024 Recap

EVO Japan 2024 has now wrapped up, and there was some great action that took place across the three days. This event is celebrated as the best when it comes to the top Fighting Games and there were a number of games scheduled to take place. 

The top players and teams from throughout the world were in attendance this weekend to compete, and that led to some terrific battles. While there some surprising results as well, other events continued to be dominated by the top names in each sport. 

Chikurin Wins Tekken 8 Title

Tekken 8 is a game that just continues to grow in popularity, and that was evident when checking out the action at the final bracket in Japan. There were some great players competing to try to win this title, and that led to some terrific battles all weekend long. 

Local players from Japan seemed to have the most success in this game, and that was expected based on what has taken place already this year. Many different players seemed to be in control at one time or another, but it was Chikurin that ultimately came away with the big win. 

Chikurin was clearly the best player in this game at EVO Japan 2024 as he ended up winning the final matchup by a 3-0 score. LowHigh was the player that Chikurin came away to beat in the final, and he actually suffered both of his losses to the champion. 

With the Tekken World Tour still to come later this year, it seems likely that these two are going to end up meeting up again. This was a great event to highlight the growing game of Tekken 8, and it was an event that was really open to anyone that wanted to sign up to compete. 

GBFVR Proved to Be Popular

EVO Japan 2024 was not just for established games as there were also some new games in the mix as well. Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising was one of those games, and it was just recently released by Arc to be played at this event. 

This game is going to be featured at other big events throughout the year as this was going to be the first official major event. It didn’t take long for the top GBFVR players to be revealed, and those are players that should continue to have some success moving forward. 

The final matchup in this event came down to Rookies and Gamera, and they were two players that seemingly stood out throughout all of the action. Gamera was able to win the first round in this battle, but he still had work to do after coming up through the winner’s round. 

It almost felt as if Rookies was able to reset after dropping the first round, and that is exactly what took place. It was Rookies that was in control from that point forward, and he came away with a win in the first major tournament for this new game. 

MenaRD Wins SF6 Title

Street Fighter 6 is a game that takes a backseat to no others when it comes to the top fighting games, and that was the case at EVO Japan 2024. Not only was there a huge prize pool for this game available, but it also represented a chance to qualify for other events. 

When looking at the complete list of players, it was pretty clear that this event was going to be one to watch. MenaRD ended up coming away with the title, but there were other great players as well. 

Since the action for this game was so great throughout EVO Japan 2024, it’s going to keep the focus on this game moving forward.