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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Call of Duty continues to be one of the most popular games to play, and that’s the case with esports professionals and recreational players. While that might be the case, it has become clear that all players are starting to grow frustrated with some of the most recent updates.
Call of Duty continues to be one of the most popular games to play, and that’s the case with esports professionals and recreational players. While that might be the case, it has become clear that all players are starting to grow frustrated with some of the most recent updates.
The Call of Duty League is just getting things going in 2024, and that means that the game has been working hard to have everything running smoothly. There haven’t been many issues about the streams or unlocking the games on time, but players are noticing some issues with many new features.
Call of Duty developers have shown a willingness to make changes when issues come up, and that could mean that some of these issues end up getting resolved immediately.
The release of Modern Warfare 3 was celebrated by Call of Duty players, because the game had finally came out with a new release that went back to the basics. Instead of coming up with all new maps and camps for the MW3, the developers chose to make slight upgrades to maps previously used in Modern Warfare 2.
While this move made most players happy for a while, it has also led to some recent complaints about one specific camp. The Terminal Map used to be one of the most popular in the game, but that is no longer the case.
Players are complaining about a lack of action in this map as it tends to suit snipers or the use of grenades rather than moving around. In Modern Warfare 2, the Terminal Map was one where most of the action was done because moving around led to some great strategy.
Some of the other restored maps are still creating plenty of excitement, but don’t expect to see Terminal being one of the featured maps during the new Call of Duty League. It’s now up to the developers to determine how they want to proceed, but the complaints won’t stop unless changes are made.
The grenade is not a weapon that is used often on Modern Warfare 3, but that is likely going to change after the most recent update. It doesn’t take the professional players long to find a new advantage after a release, and that was the case when this weapon was upgraded.
This type of weapon is basically a Molotov Cocktail, and it’s one where players have to do some work before they are able to use it. Players didn’t want to waste the time getting this weapon ready to go, but that’s going to change on Reloaded.
The minimum explosive damage for this weapon has gone up 200% as it has moved from a 25 to a 75. Not only will this weapon clear out more area on a map, but it will deliver more damage to players than some of the other options that are out there.
While much of the Call of Duty Action is currently taking place on Modern Warfare 3, there are still those players that prefer to play Warzone. Recreational players are starting to get frustrated playing Warzone though, as they feel as if they are typically at a major disadvantage.
There have been calls on the developer to add a ranked system to Warzone to keep the professionals out of traditional game play. Many professional players spend time playing recreationally as well, and they tend to ruin the game for those that are just doing it for fun.
It’s unclear how a ranking system would work if this were to be implemented, but it would help keep the game more fun and interesting or those recreational players.