Imaqtpie confirms Stream Dream Team returning to TCS 2018

In a recent Twitch stream, popular League of Legends streamer and previous TCS 2017 finalist Imaqtpie leaked that he was once again going to be competing in the amateur tournament “The Tyler1 Championship Series“. In a flashback to his days at Saigon Jokers, whilst streaming a Flex 5v5 with fellow streamers Huhi, Shiptur and Voyboy he revealed his secret strategy of practicing ADC Karthus as his secret sauce.

In last years event Stream Dream Team, led by Imqtpie, comprised of both Shiptur and Voyboy playing alongside the Pie, carrying him to the finals against MLGB Blade before they were put out 2-1. Unconfirmed rumours in the Tyler1 discord, however, have already said that Voyboy will likely not be making appearance at this years TCS.

Hosted by previously banned player Tyler1, his self-titled Championship Series is a live streamed event hosted by Tyler1 himself. Although the prize pool pales in comparison to larger sanctioned tournaments, sitting at a poultry $10,000 divided between the players of the winning team, the competition gets a lot of attention due to it’s humorous presentation and well-known player personalities. You can find out more about the in our more in-depth preview of the tournament.

Brackets will be released in the coming days and we’ll update our article when more information becomes available.