Unikrn introduce two competitive betting platforms for CS:GO

Premier esports betting company, Unikrn, have made headlines as of late, launching two brand new, live betting platforms in conjunction with each other, known as Unikrn Virtual and Unikrn Streamer Betting. The former will be primarily used for fans to bet on the biggest teams and matches from previous iconic competitions and rounds, where as Streamer Betting will be focussed on real-time betting through automatic, AI powered updates where fans can bet on a streamers gameplay, live.

Unikrn Virtual (UV) is currently a Counterstrike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) exclusive platform that will serve this esports title only, however it is rumoured the company will expand into further esports titles in the near future. as with Unikrn Streamer Betting (USB), on the other hand, will support a range of titles that are popular on streaming platforms on Twitch.

Unikrn Virtual

Unikrn Virtual is rumoured to have a variety of betting options to please just about every viewer; due to a secret algorithm using both display and archival techniques to bring the best information and key features to our screens. Equipped with a randomly-generated third party RNG to create a unique CS:GO match using existing professional matches as a base, fans are saved from the typical delays that come with live matches and are able to bet on rounds instantly.

Mr Andrew Vouris, Chief Operating Officer at Unikrn, spoke openly about the new arrangement with Unikrn Virtual Betting and discussed in further detail about the specs and possibilities it brings:

Unikrn Virtual brings the fans the excitement of the live competitions, but in an always-on-format with faster resolution and fewer interruptions. Unikrn Virtual will not only change quality and interactivity expectations for a bet-on-demand experience but will fundamentally shift the future of the Casino industry as we bring wildly popular esports without the baggage of downtime.”


Unikrn Streamer Betting

On the other side of the scale is the equally new and exciting, Unikrn Streamer Betting platform. It is designed to function using artificial intelligence (AI) bots to automatically create the odds and likelihood on the market betting prices. The trading system is programmed to understand the stream components, odds generation and popular interfaces and will additionally include a tracking detail.

Working with top streamers from titles like Fortnite and other Battle Royale titles, this will bridge the gap on creating engagement with games that otherwise have a very small professional esports scene that would warrant betting markets. It will also allow Twitch subscribers to back their favourite individual streamers, as opposed to teams.

This means that streamer performances of high value are included and accessible via mobile or home entertainment systems and on-site dual screen experiences for those fans that don’t want to miss a trick. Essentially USB is a fully automated, fast service that provides iconic moments and live betting odds in real-time.

CEO of Unikrn, Mr Rahul Sood, expressed his views on this specific platform and why is has become much of a necessity in the market today:

“Streamers are the future of celebrity, entertainment, performance and athleticism, so finding a zero-friction way to let fans engage and bet was essential for the future of the industry. Not only are fans now able to watch and directly engage with streamers, but they’re able to experience the full thrill of victory along with the player on screen. This level of interactivity only dreamed of in the old world of sports and casino betting.”

Following Mr Sood’s statement, Mr Andrew Vouris also shared his views on Unikrn Streamer, in addition to his previous interview on Unikrn Virtual, and is fully in favour of the new systems and considers them to be revolutionary for the industry:

“Unicorn is creating a fully-engaging platform to tap the potential of this unprecedented volume of competition-based entertainment. Streamers are the star athletics of a new generation, and they’re always on. Unikrn has made breakthroughs in technical and efficiency challenges which are shattering the mould of what is possible.”


Welcome to the future of esports betting?


Having secure and rapid forms of betting on esports titles is no doubt a positive development for both the gaming industry and betting scene in general, with a lot of promise for future companies to adapt a similar form of business. Involving such a strong contending title such as CS:GO will help truly test the waters and measure the volume of betting against the live stream service and, naturally, mistakes may happen whilst still in the infancy stage. However, the ability for fans to engage with their favourite streamers and watch the development of their betting experience go from strength to strength is a massive plus for the industry and an exciting move for the market.