More Big Changes to Call of Duty

The Call of Duty League continues to bring some great excitement and entertainment, but that’s not all of the major news surrounding this game. Like other popular esports games, there have been a number of updates made to the current version of the game. 

Match Fixing Found in UltraLiga

It has already been an interesting year for League of Legends at the professional level, and the most recent news could cause significant damage to the league. A recent UltraLiga match was seen by thousands of viewers, and it didn’t take long for spectators to notice that something wasn’t quite right. 

Overwatch Making a Return in 2024

2023 saw the end of the Overwatch League, and there was some confusion about what would happen with this league moving forward. Esports fans now have an answer as to what is to come from Overwatch as Blizzard Entertainment has announced that the Overwatch Championship Series is making a return. 

More Issues With Call of Duty

Call of Duty continues to be a game that is popular with esports players, but some of the professional players are continuing to call out some issues with the latest updates. Since Call of Duty is now being played at a very high level, the top professionals are expecting the game to be perfect. 

Gambling Violations Rock NBA 2K League

Gambling and sports betting are a few industries that continue to grow, and it has also created some issues over the last few years. The NBA 2K League is now dealing with this problem, and it caused the suspensions of some players and a coach. 

Call of Duty Integrating With FACEIT

The news surrounding Call of Duty never ceases to stop, but this time the news is coming from the Challengers side of things. The Call of Duty Challengers League is a chance for players to try to become professional players, and it is making big changes in 2024.